News from 2016
In 2017, 401(k) Contribution Limit Unchanged for Employees, Up for Employers
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-10-28
Recruiters Expect to Hire More with the Same Budgets in 2017
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-10-18
How to Give Feedback to People Who Cry, Yell, or Get Defensive
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-10-26
In 2017, 401(k) Contribution Limit Unchanged for Employees, Up for Employers
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-10-28
Tried-and-True Ways to Deal with a Workplace Bully
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-06-30
Student Loan Aid Improves Millennial Retention, Managers Say
Source: SHR: Online: HR News / 2016-07-05
Do Your Employees Hate Their Jobs?
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-6-07
What All Senior HR Executives Wish Their Front-Line Managers Knew About Effective Leadership
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-6-03
Enrolling in E-Verify Without Union Consent Violates NLRA
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-6-3
EEOC More Than Doubles Fines for Posting Violations
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-6-3
Labor Negotiators Must Pay Attention to Details
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-5-18
Study: HR Can Be First Line of Defense Against Cybercrime
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-5-18
Health Costs at Midsize Firms Foster Consumerism
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-5-10
To ‘Friend’ or Not to ‘Friend’?
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-5-10
U.S. Government Responds to N.C. 'Bathroom Bill' Lawsuit by Suing State
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-5-09
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-5-01
Drivers Not Entitled to Overtime When Route Is Part of Interstate Delivery
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-18-05
Stay in Touch with Former Employees; One Could Be Your Next Hire
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-4-22
Getting Back to Work After a Career Break
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-4-20
Procrastinators Rejoice: Tax Day Moves to April 18 This Year
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-4-14
Proposed Changes to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-8-08
Managing the Challenge of Constant Feedback with Emerging Adult Employees
Source: SHRM Online: HR NEWS/ 2016-3-22
Massive D.C. Subway Closure Shows Need For Continuity Plans
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/2016-3-16
How Small Companies Can Compete with Big Ones for Top Talent
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/2016-03-11
New Overtime Rule Advances Faster Toward Publication
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-03-15
HR Must Prepare for Increase in Ransomware Demands
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-3-14
Summer Layoffs Continue to Climb, Led by Energy-Sector Cuts
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-08-5
Viewpoint: Firing for Cause Beats Position Eliminations Every Time
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-08-4
Transparency, Decision Support Are Next Wave in Benefits Self-Service
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-08-3
Final ‘Blacklisting’ Rule Expected Soon
Source: SHRM Online: HR News/ 2016-08-3