“This leader’s performance can only be summed up as ‘World-class.’ As an effective communicator and leader, Ms. Thurston coordinated numerous projects and collaboratively worked with numerous senior Army leaders, both civilian and military. Multiple projects were completed with extremely favorable results despite deadline pressures.”

Michael H., VP │ Capstone Corporation

 “JDA was the right company for the contract. Ms. Thurston managed to take an under-performing contract and significantly improve profitability, customer satisfaction, safety, and employee productivity. I have no hesitation in recommending JDA for any project management, administrative or human resources support contract.”

Laura M., VP │ IAP Worldwide Services


“JDA Management and Consulting Group were essential in revamping a team that was previously poorly managed & transition them into a high-performance team that was greatly sought after. Ms. Thurston worked collaboratively with my government staff to meet strict timelines & achieved awesome results. The high caliber staff was exceptional & a delight to work with, I highly recommend JDA.”

  Rolando M.,  Retired Sergeant Major│WRAMC



“JDAs time at our organization was refreshing…to have someone of that caliber brought our company into compliance in record time.”

Jennifer, Recruiter │ HR Generalist


“The period that we worked together was nothing short of amazing.  What you were able to accomplish in such a short timeframe was remarkable.”

Warren,  HR │ Generalist